Our Local Offer for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
1. How does Tiger Cubs Pre-School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
At Tiger Cubs, all staff build positive relationships with the children, interacting with them in play and observing their interests. Each child is allocated a key person who carries out ongoing observations and assessments. This enables the key person to identify any areas in which children may not be meeting developmental milestones, which they will then discuss with the SENCO, as well as with the parents/carers. We encourage parents/carers to share any reports from other professionals, such as speech and language therapists, that may help us in identifying and supporting individual needs.
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, these can be discussed in confidence with the SENCO, your child’s key person, or the supervisor. The SENCO can provide information and advice, as well as liaise with other relevant early years professionals to provide the best support for your child.
2. How will the staff at Tiger Cubs Pre-School support my child?
At Tiger Cubs, we believe that all children should be given the best possible start and that they should be provided with opportunities that enable them to develop to their full potential. This includes children who have additional individual needs, and so we support early intervention from early years professionals, parents/carers and relevant outside agencies in order to help provide the best outcomes. We endeavour to provide a range of high quality learning opportunities to meet the needs of each individual child, and support them and their families throughout their time at Tiger Cubs. It will be the role of your child’s key person, who will work alongside the SENCO, to plan for their next steps, which are developmental and age appropriate targets that the key person, with the support of all the staff, will support your child in working towards.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Every child at Tiger Cubs has a key person who will get to know them and will observe them in their play. They will use their observations to assess your child and then to plan for their next steps. Each child’s next steps will be tailored to their needs, as well as incorporating their specific likes and interests. An Individual Plan will be created by the key person and the SENCO, specifically for your child, to support their learning and development.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
At Tiger Cubs we will track your child’s individual progress though ongoing observations and assessment. We recognise the importance of regular and honest communication with parents/carers, and encourage their participation and involvement when planning for their child. We encourage communication between the home and the setting on a day-to-day basis when you drop your child off and when you pick them up. We encourage the sharing of more detailed information of how your child is progressing at home, their current likes and interests at home, as well as any recent developments in their learning. Parents/carers are invited to attend regular meetings with the key person and/or outside agencies to ensure they are kept updated with the progress of their child, and involved in the plans for their child’s future development.
5. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
It is vital that all children are supported in all areas of their development, which includes their wellbeing. Our experienced staff team are mature, friendly and caring and adapt to the individual personal care needs of each child where necessary. They are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment for all children. A visual timetable is used every day in the setting to support all children in understanding the daily routines, and additional visual support strategies are available where needed.
Where children require regular prescribed medication that cannot be administered solely by the parent/carer, an Administering Medication Form must be completed in line with our Health Policy. This will give clear instructions of dosage and administration, as well as giving permission for a member of staff to administer it. Appropriate training may be carried out where necessary.
All staff are good role models and encourage positive behaviour throughout the session. However, we understand, in line with our Positive Behaviour Policy, that some undesirable behaviour may be the result of certain individual needs. In this instance, your child’s key person and the SENCO will work with you, your child and the staff to provide a consistent approach to supporting the improvement of behaviour.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Tiger Cubs?
All staff are experienced in working within the early years and have a good understanding of childhood development. We have good links with the local Children and Families Centre and work with them to provide you with support from relevant professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists. Your child’s key person and the SENCO will work in partnership with these professionals, with parental permission, to fully support your child.
7. What training have the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are they having?
The staff at Tiger Cubs are committed to Continuing Professional Development, which includes attending relevant and current training. All staff hold a current Paediatric First Aid Certificate, and some members of staff have attended communication and language training, including the use of visual supports and PECS. Relevant training will be carried out to support specifically identified needs.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?
All outside activities and trips will be planned according to the needs of all children, to ensure they are inclusive. The manager/deputy will visit the site prior to the trip to carry out a risk assessment and to assess the suitability of the venue for children with specific individual needs. Parents/carers will be involved in the planning of outings and will be invited to join us on the trip. Any aides or medication required by your child will be taken on the outing.
9. How accessible is the Tiger Cubs Preschool environment? (Indoors and Outdoors)
Tiger Cubs Pre-School is an OFSTED registered setting, open term time only. Our opening hours are 9.00am until 2.30pm Monday to Friday. We cater for children from 2-5 years. We meet in a large hall on the first floor, however, we have sole use of a stair lift. The hall is set out in zones and children are able to access all zones. We use a range of visual supports throughout the setting, including a visual timetable. All staff have a basic understanding of Makaton, and some have understanding of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).
At Tiger Cubs, we encourage strong communication between the parents/carers and staff, therefore it is important that communication is supported with parents whose first language is not English. We do this by encouraging them to nominate a representative who speaks English, or by using a translation app or an external interpreter.
We have a range of sensory equipment, and where possible seek to provide equipment to support individual children with special educational needs.
10. How will Tiger Cubs Preschool prepare and support my child to join the setting/transfer to a new setting or school?
When a child starts at Tiger Cubs, or transfers to us from another setting, a meeting will be arranged with the family and professionals involved to discuss the best way forward, and how we can best support your child. We ensure that we understand your child’s individual needs and any additional requirements, such as specialist equipment and/or training. We welcome and encourage all who are involved with the child and their family to visit us and support multi-agency meetings. Where possible and with your permission, we will visit your child in their current setting, to meet them and observe them in an environment that is familiar to them. We offer a familiarisation visit to all children, which allows them to visit Tiger Cubs with their parent/carer. We are flexible in our settling in period, and aim to tailor it to your child’s specific needs, to allow them to settle in as quickly and easily as possible.
When children move on to school, or if they transfer to another setting, strong communication will be encouraged between the SENCO and key person from Tiger Cubs, the relevant practitioner from the new setting, and the parents/carers. The relevant staff member will be invited to visit your child at Tiger Cubs, to enable your child to meet them in a familiar environment, and to enable the practitioner to observe your child’s individual needs within the setting. Your child’s learning journal, which will contain all relevant information, will be passed on to their new setting, with your permission.
We have strong links with the local primary schools and provide transition visits for all children in the summer term before they start school.
11. How are Tiger Cubs’ resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
At Tiger Cubs, where relevant and eligible we are able to claim Free Entitlement Funding for two, three and four year olds, as well as Inclusion Funding. We also have a budget for relevant staff training as well as for equipment where there is an individual or whole setting need.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The type and amount of support required will be identified by the SENCO and key person, through the observation, assessment and planning cycle linked to the Development Matters stages of development. Where needed, appropriate support will be decided on and put into place, in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals.
An Individual Plan will be developed by the key person and SENCO, along with contributions from parents/carers and other professionals where relevant. This will enable your child’s development to be supported consistently at home and in the setting, and will be monitored and reviewed regularly, alongside regular observations. You are invited to work closely with the SENCO and your child’s key person to be involved in all aspects of planning for your child’s development.
13. How are parents involved at Tiger Cubs Preschool? How can I be involved?
We value and encourage the involvement of all parents/carers at Tiger Cubs, in the planning for your child’s next steps, and also in other areas. We encourage parents to form a relationship with their child’s key person, as well as a strong community with the other parents. We welcome involvement in fundraising ideas and activities, as well as attendance at our Annual General Meetings (AGM).
14. Who can I contact for further information?
For further information or to discuss any concerns about your child please contact the Manager, Clare Nibloe, on 07905 099 802 or [email protected]. All staff members have a role in the education of all children within the setting and we have an open door policy. You are more than welcome to talk to the Manager, SENCO, or your child’s key person at any time. If you want a more formal meeting or a particular staff member is unavailable, we will make an appointment for you to meet at a convenient date and time.
The West Sussex County Council Local Offer can be found at https://westsussex.local-offer.org/
1. How does Tiger Cubs Pre-School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
At Tiger Cubs, all staff build positive relationships with the children, interacting with them in play and observing their interests. Each child is allocated a key person who carries out ongoing observations and assessments. This enables the key person to identify any areas in which children may not be meeting developmental milestones, which they will then discuss with the SENCO, as well as with the parents/carers. We encourage parents/carers to share any reports from other professionals, such as speech and language therapists, that may help us in identifying and supporting individual needs.
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, these can be discussed in confidence with the SENCO, your child’s key person, or the supervisor. The SENCO can provide information and advice, as well as liaise with other relevant early years professionals to provide the best support for your child.
2. How will the staff at Tiger Cubs Pre-School support my child?
At Tiger Cubs, we believe that all children should be given the best possible start and that they should be provided with opportunities that enable them to develop to their full potential. This includes children who have additional individual needs, and so we support early intervention from early years professionals, parents/carers and relevant outside agencies in order to help provide the best outcomes. We endeavour to provide a range of high quality learning opportunities to meet the needs of each individual child, and support them and their families throughout their time at Tiger Cubs. It will be the role of your child’s key person, who will work alongside the SENCO, to plan for their next steps, which are developmental and age appropriate targets that the key person, with the support of all the staff, will support your child in working towards.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Every child at Tiger Cubs has a key person who will get to know them and will observe them in their play. They will use their observations to assess your child and then to plan for their next steps. Each child’s next steps will be tailored to their needs, as well as incorporating their specific likes and interests. An Individual Plan will be created by the key person and the SENCO, specifically for your child, to support their learning and development.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
At Tiger Cubs we will track your child’s individual progress though ongoing observations and assessment. We recognise the importance of regular and honest communication with parents/carers, and encourage their participation and involvement when planning for their child. We encourage communication between the home and the setting on a day-to-day basis when you drop your child off and when you pick them up. We encourage the sharing of more detailed information of how your child is progressing at home, their current likes and interests at home, as well as any recent developments in their learning. Parents/carers are invited to attend regular meetings with the key person and/or outside agencies to ensure they are kept updated with the progress of their child, and involved in the plans for their child’s future development.
5. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
It is vital that all children are supported in all areas of their development, which includes their wellbeing. Our experienced staff team are mature, friendly and caring and adapt to the individual personal care needs of each child where necessary. They are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment for all children. A visual timetable is used every day in the setting to support all children in understanding the daily routines, and additional visual support strategies are available where needed.
Where children require regular prescribed medication that cannot be administered solely by the parent/carer, an Administering Medication Form must be completed in line with our Health Policy. This will give clear instructions of dosage and administration, as well as giving permission for a member of staff to administer it. Appropriate training may be carried out where necessary.
All staff are good role models and encourage positive behaviour throughout the session. However, we understand, in line with our Positive Behaviour Policy, that some undesirable behaviour may be the result of certain individual needs. In this instance, your child’s key person and the SENCO will work with you, your child and the staff to provide a consistent approach to supporting the improvement of behaviour.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Tiger Cubs?
All staff are experienced in working within the early years and have a good understanding of childhood development. We have good links with the local Children and Families Centre and work with them to provide you with support from relevant professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists. Your child’s key person and the SENCO will work in partnership with these professionals, with parental permission, to fully support your child.
7. What training have the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are they having?
The staff at Tiger Cubs are committed to Continuing Professional Development, which includes attending relevant and current training. All staff hold a current Paediatric First Aid Certificate, and some members of staff have attended communication and language training, including the use of visual supports and PECS. Relevant training will be carried out to support specifically identified needs.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?
All outside activities and trips will be planned according to the needs of all children, to ensure they are inclusive. The manager/deputy will visit the site prior to the trip to carry out a risk assessment and to assess the suitability of the venue for children with specific individual needs. Parents/carers will be involved in the planning of outings and will be invited to join us on the trip. Any aides or medication required by your child will be taken on the outing.
9. How accessible is the Tiger Cubs Preschool environment? (Indoors and Outdoors)
Tiger Cubs Pre-School is an OFSTED registered setting, open term time only. Our opening hours are 9.00am until 2.30pm Monday to Friday. We cater for children from 2-5 years. We meet in a large hall on the first floor, however, we have sole use of a stair lift. The hall is set out in zones and children are able to access all zones. We use a range of visual supports throughout the setting, including a visual timetable. All staff have a basic understanding of Makaton, and some have understanding of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS).
At Tiger Cubs, we encourage strong communication between the parents/carers and staff, therefore it is important that communication is supported with parents whose first language is not English. We do this by encouraging them to nominate a representative who speaks English, or by using a translation app or an external interpreter.
We have a range of sensory equipment, and where possible seek to provide equipment to support individual children with special educational needs.
10. How will Tiger Cubs Preschool prepare and support my child to join the setting/transfer to a new setting or school?
When a child starts at Tiger Cubs, or transfers to us from another setting, a meeting will be arranged with the family and professionals involved to discuss the best way forward, and how we can best support your child. We ensure that we understand your child’s individual needs and any additional requirements, such as specialist equipment and/or training. We welcome and encourage all who are involved with the child and their family to visit us and support multi-agency meetings. Where possible and with your permission, we will visit your child in their current setting, to meet them and observe them in an environment that is familiar to them. We offer a familiarisation visit to all children, which allows them to visit Tiger Cubs with their parent/carer. We are flexible in our settling in period, and aim to tailor it to your child’s specific needs, to allow them to settle in as quickly and easily as possible.
When children move on to school, or if they transfer to another setting, strong communication will be encouraged between the SENCO and key person from Tiger Cubs, the relevant practitioner from the new setting, and the parents/carers. The relevant staff member will be invited to visit your child at Tiger Cubs, to enable your child to meet them in a familiar environment, and to enable the practitioner to observe your child’s individual needs within the setting. Your child’s learning journal, which will contain all relevant information, will be passed on to their new setting, with your permission.
We have strong links with the local primary schools and provide transition visits for all children in the summer term before they start school.
11. How are Tiger Cubs’ resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
At Tiger Cubs, where relevant and eligible we are able to claim Free Entitlement Funding for two, three and four year olds, as well as Inclusion Funding. We also have a budget for relevant staff training as well as for equipment where there is an individual or whole setting need.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The type and amount of support required will be identified by the SENCO and key person, through the observation, assessment and planning cycle linked to the Development Matters stages of development. Where needed, appropriate support will be decided on and put into place, in partnership with parents/carers and other professionals.
An Individual Plan will be developed by the key person and SENCO, along with contributions from parents/carers and other professionals where relevant. This will enable your child’s development to be supported consistently at home and in the setting, and will be monitored and reviewed regularly, alongside regular observations. You are invited to work closely with the SENCO and your child’s key person to be involved in all aspects of planning for your child’s development.
13. How are parents involved at Tiger Cubs Preschool? How can I be involved?
We value and encourage the involvement of all parents/carers at Tiger Cubs, in the planning for your child’s next steps, and also in other areas. We encourage parents to form a relationship with their child’s key person, as well as a strong community with the other parents. We welcome involvement in fundraising ideas and activities, as well as attendance at our Annual General Meetings (AGM).
14. Who can I contact for further information?
For further information or to discuss any concerns about your child please contact the Manager, Clare Nibloe, on 07905 099 802 or [email protected]. All staff members have a role in the education of all children within the setting and we have an open door policy. You are more than welcome to talk to the Manager, SENCO, or your child’s key person at any time. If you want a more formal meeting or a particular staff member is unavailable, we will make an appointment for you to meet at a convenient date and time.
The West Sussex County Council Local Offer can be found at https://westsussex.local-offer.org/